I am back again writing on Stica-Lab, I just opened a small session called "Easy Games", to show you how easy it is to build funny stuff in few hours of work.
This first session is dedicated to a Musical Glove; I want to build a special glove that while touching a metal board with the fingers I can hear from a speaker a different sound tone for each finger, and also for combinations of two fingers.
What we need:
1) Arduino Uno board;
2) Aluminium (or every other metal) board, size around 20x10 cm;
3) 8 Ohm Speaker (like the one inside the old desktop pc);
4) Gloves for electrician;
5) Copper tape;
5) Some cable and around 20 mini cable ties.
In the next image you can see how I connected the wires
The metal board is connected to Arduino GND (black cable), the fingers 1-2-3-4-5 are connected to Arduino pins 3-4-5-6-7 (cables yellow, green, grey, white, orange), the speaker is connected to Arduino GND and to pin 10 (red cable).
How it works:
It plays a different note for each finger and for the combination of two fingers.